General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is junked by your system)
- About ECCE12
- About ECAB5
- Promoters & Organizer
- Sponsors & Exhibitors
- Steering Committee
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Student Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Plenary Lectures
- Programme Highlights
- Registration
- Congress Venue
- Accommodation
- Congress Leaflet
Time to event -1983 Days to GO

Participants are expected to make their own reservation.
We have arranged a dedicated Congress Booking System that will allow you to find the best
room in the reservation system of
Firenze Convention Bureau, one of the no-profit
institutional partners of ECCE12 & ECAB5
We have arranged a Congress Card that provides special offers and discounted fees at museums, historical sites,
shops, restaurants and much more.
Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering