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ICHEAP 15 Secretariat & Organization

c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276
Fax: +39-02-70639402

For information related to the Scientific Program>
For information related to the Treasury & Registrations


15th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering

On behalf of The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, we warmly welcome you to the 15th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, 23-26 May, 2021.
ICheaP-15 is the fifteenth event in a series of biannual events started in 1993. It is expected that the continuous participation of the past years will be maintained and enhanced also in this event.
AIDIC so far continues to invite all the international specialists to see this event as an opportunity to exchange up-to-the minute information on industrial needs, new technology developments and research opportunities.
The previous events attracted leading Industrialists and Academics from all over the world and provided a state of the art on Chemical and Process Engineering.
Conference Participation confirmed the International character and appeal reached by ICheaP-Series and demonstrated the need of having a permanent forum and record of International R&D activities.

We are looking forward to open this world-class event, valuable opportunity to favor contacts, to learn from each other, to transfer experience and to preserve existing know-how.

on behalf of the Organizers
prof. Sauro Pierucci
(co- Chairman)

ICheaP15 will be a joint-event with EFF 2021 - International Congress on ENGINEERING FUTURE FOOD.

The Two Conferences will be
Date and venue
Organisational items
Registration fee
Social program
Scientific Committees
Acceptance of papers
Conference sessions