General Information



Authors of accepted papers should submit their full papers (6 pages) in view of the publication according to the deadlines indicated into the letter of acceptance.

The full set of final selected papers (in the form of short papers that must fit exactly 6 pages) will be published according to the publication policy into Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) indexed by SCOPUS and ISI Web of Knowledge (Conference Proceedings database).

The publication will be available online at CET website.
A memory stick will be distributed during the conference to all the participants.
The materials will not be available after the Conference by mail.

Requirements for publication
- full compliance with the Chemical Engineering Transactions formatting instructions
- valid registration fee to the congress
- transfer of copyright agreement duly signed

The participation to the conference is mandatory for the publication of the paper per presenting author since only papers presented (either lecture and posters) will be indexed.

Authors who do not present the paper during the conference will have the relative publication cancelled.

Additional papers per speaker/presenter will be accepted as posters, for an additional paper fee.

rename your file with
reference number followed by the surname of first author (ex: 127Smith.doc).

reference #
paper title
first author lastname
lastname of the speaker (tentative)
upload your doc or docx file

author(s) declares under his (their) own responsibility that the article here posted is original and has never been published before


Before submitting the paper, please check carefully whether the format fully satisfies the template

Confirmation will be displayed immediately on your screen after submission. If not, please try again.
You will NOT receive an additional confirmation via email.


Save the Date!

July 20, 2017-Abstract Submission Deadline

July 31, 2017-Abstract Acceptance

October 15, 2017-Manuscript Submission Deadline

December 15, 2017-Manuscript Acceptance

February 22, 2018-Early Registration Deadline

March 15, 2018-Preliminary Programme

April 15, 2018-Conference