Following the five previous editions (2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023) of
the NINE conference on nanotechnologies, the AIDIC event will be back in 2025
in a renewed format as NINETEENTH, Nanotechnology
based INnovation for the EnvironmenT, EnErgy, aNd HealTH.
Following the growing interest in the application of nanomaterials for the
sustainable energy production and the recent advances in nano-medicine, the
new NINETEENTH 2025 conference represents the natural follow-up of the NINE
series, now embracing all the most relevant fields of application of nanotechnology.
As a matter of fact, the strong interrelation among the aspects related to
energy production, health care and environmental protection is the driving
force for a conference where innovative nano-based technologies are introduced
and discussed following a more comprehensive approach.
In this framework, NINETEENTH 2025 aims at presenting recent scientific and
technical advances in the field of nanotechnology applications, from materials
to devices, to processes.
NINETEENTH 2025 edition will be enriched with 2 special sessions, devoted
respectively to young scientists and young start-up companies.
The Conference, organized by the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) in collaboration with the EFCE Section "Chemical Engineering Applied to Medicine", the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), the University of Salerno, the NANOMATES Center and the Narrando SME. Moreover, it will be supported by the AIDIC Working Group on Chemical Nanotechnologies.
NINETEENTH 2025 welcomes contributions from researchers and engineers from
academic and research institutions, as well as from industry, presenting recent
advances and new approaches on the application of nanotechnologies, with oral
and poster sessions.
All the accepted papers presented at the Conference will be published on
Chemical Engineering Transactions. The Journal
is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, DOI number and Google Scholar.
Looking forward to seeing you in Salerno in September 2025!
prof. Paolo Ciambelli
Emeritus professor, University of Salerno
prof. Luca Di Palma
University of Rome La Sapienza
Ing. Giorgio Veronesi
AIDIC, Italy
NINETEENTH2025 Organizing Committee Co-Chairmen