General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is spammed by your system)
- About IconBM 2020
- Conference Venue
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Plenary Lectures
- Publication Policy
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Firenze
Time to event -1759 Days to GO
IconBM2020 is expected to be organized under the auspices of different Sponsors and Exhibitors.
Spaces are available in Firenze Fiera for exhibition desks. A maximum surface that can be assigned to each booth is 3x2=6 m2.
Download here the Sponsorship Guide with sponsorship packages description and exhibition solutions.
If you wish to participate to the Sponsorship Programme of the Congresses, please contact the Secretariat for details.

Save the Date!
September 30, 2019-Abstract Submission Deadline
October 15, 2019-Abstract Acceptance
November 30, 2019-Manuscript Submission Deadline
February 1, 2020-Manuscript Acceptance
March 1, 2020 -Authors Registration Deadline
March 26, 2020-Preliminary Programme
April 26, 2020-Conference
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering