Questa pagina deve essere utilizzata solo per pagamenti in SPLIT PAYMENT da parte di Università pubbliche o Enti Pubblici parificati :
inviare il Buono d'Ordine o similari ad <aidic_accounting@aidic.it>. Seguirà fattura elettronica.
Senza l'invio del Buono questa scheda di iscrizione non verrà considerata.

I pagamenti avvengono via bonifico bancario dopo l'invio della fattura.
L'importo da versare corrisponderà al solo imponibile (22% IVA da versare in scissione, salvo esenzioni di legge)

The fee includes: access to technical sessions; conference facilities and materials; coffee breaks; 3 buffet-lunches; welcome cocktail, conference dinner, 22% VAT.

email (use the same email along all the conference steps)
Postal Address
Town, Zip
contact phone
FEES - all prices are 22% VAT included
EARLY FULL FEE 700 expired
REGULAR FULL FEE 800 payment after July 20, 2022
REGULAR STUDENT FEE 600 payment after July 20, 2022
EXTRA tickets for Gala Dinner ( 90 each) NR.
Vegetarian and celiac people have to inform the Secretariat in advance

1) AIDIC reserves the right to remove from the e2dt Conference any attendee who fails to comply with any of the following terms, or any other reasonable request of AIDIC conference management. Attendees who are removed from the event will not be entitled to a refund of any expenses
Assumption of Risk & Legal Release: Your participation in the e2dt Conferences is voluntary, and carries certain risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. By registering for and attending the Conferences, you knowingly assume all such inherit risks, and agree to release and hold harmless AIDIC, its employees, vendors, agents, and contractors, from all alleged or actual liability, claims, actions, lawsuits, damages, or losses, of any kind (including attorney's fees), which arise out of or result from your attendance at and participation in the event.
3) During the e2dt Conference there is a possibility you will be photographed and recorded. By checking this box I give my consent for the use of my images in advertising, marketing and promotion of the AIDIC conference and any of its products or services
4) I confirm that my enrollment and participation in this event, is in line with my company policies and in accordance with laws and regulations in my country.
5) I hereby declare that I have received and understood AIDIC Data Protection Policy. By checking this box I consent to the AIDIC team (including third parties) handling my personal data for administration and marketing purposes, in connection with my participation in the e2dt Conference. To view the Data Protection Policy, please click here
to see the Total amount due and to send your data.
CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS All payments are made to
AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A 20133 Milano
VAT and Fiscal Code 11667680158

Cancellations before October 1st 2022 will be charged by 25% costs.
Beyond such date the registration fee will not be refunded.
But no refund is due in case a paper has been already included into the proceedings for publication.
Only written cancellations will be accepted (a confirmation should reach you after 2 days, otherwise it has to be resubmitted).
Substitutions will be accepted at any time, provided they are notified to the Secretariat in advance.
Conference material will NOT be mailed.
We reserve the right to change the program at any time.
The organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to private property of participants
arising from the Conference. Participants should therefore take whatever actions they consider proper for their insurance.

Lunches & dinner will be served as buffet with a variety of food, suitable also for vegetarian.
However delegates are reminded that some foods may cause an allergic reaction in certain people due to intolerance of some ingredients. If the Delegate has any known allergies, or is intolerant to any food, he/she is required to report it to the Maître as soon as convenient.
It is the responsibility of the Delegate to ensure that he/she actively avoids any food he/ she is allergic to.
But the Organizers will take all reasonable care if made aware - in writing and before the Conference starts - of any specific food or ingredient the Delegate has an allergic reaction to.