Author Index
May 21-24, 2006
Naples, Italy
The program might be subject to modifications.
The Organizers do not take any responsibility in front of any delegate for the changes of this Index.

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Oral Presentations
Day\Topic\O\Time\presentation number ex: T\RAM\O\9.00\2 reads as:
on Tuesday \ topic: Risk Assessment and Management\ oral presentation \ session starting at 9.00 \ second presentation
Time allocation for plenary lectures is 40 minutes, while the time slot for a presentation is 20 minutes, including discussion.

HSE Management
Process Development for Sustainable Environment
Risk Assessment and Management
Impact of the Legislation
Plenary Lecture

Poster Presentations

ex: MT\P\2 reads as:on Monday & Tuesday \ poster \ panel number
Posters will be also presented by authors during the poster session.
The time slot for each presentation is 8 minutes, without discussion.


Authors list