2nd International Conference on
Safety & Environment in Process Industry



The Conference will bring together experts from all over the world to exchange key information and hold helpful discussions on many aspects of:

1) HSE Management
- Management Systems
- Systems integration
- Decision making processes and tools
- Performance indicators
- Emergency planning and emergency exposure

2) Process Development for Sustainable Environment
- Sustainable technologies
- Corporate social and environmental responsibilities
- Cleaner production
- Process integration
- Inherently safer process solutions

3) Risk Assessment and Management
- Assessment and evaluation of hazard and risk
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Accidental releases modelling
- Process safety
- Environmental risks
- Human error
- Lessons learned

4) Impact of Legislation
- Seveso Directive: applications and experiences
- New approach of the European Directives (PED, ATEX, etc.)
- Risk assessment in heavily industrialized areas
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Integrated Pollution Prevention Control

The Conference technical program is structured in two parallel sessions, which will be held over three days. The Conference topics will be treated in invited plenary lectures, selected oral presentations and poster sessions.
Posters will stay on for the whole Conference promoting author presentation and spontaneous discussions.